Lite statistik om kvinnlig onani...känner ni igen er tjejer !! - In English..



Female Masturbation Statistics

Kinsey: Two out of three women masturbate at least occasionally.
Alfred Kinsey was one of the first sociologists to gather and report statistics about human sexuality. He published Sexual Behavior in the Human Female in 1953, when the country was gripped by a social and political conservatism.

While his book was a best-seller it was also roundly criticized and even banned in some areas. It may have been because of this: Kinsey found that even in this puritantic environment, nearly two out of three women masturbated at least occasionally (for men the percentage was much higher; 92%). Such findings surely worried the men of the world, who for the first time realized their spouses were looking for sexual gratification outside the "normal" male-female relationship.

One in 10 women are "habitual" masturbators.
In Janus Report on Sexual Behavior (1993), a survey 40 years after Kinsey, researchers found that 10% of the female population over age 18 masturbated frequently - "frequently" was defined as daily or several times per week. A full 38% masturbated on a "regular" basis: monthly to several times weekly.

These statistics are higher than in previous studies, where habitual masturbation was often considered an abberation. Some sociologists attribute the increase to the sexual liberation of the 60s and 70s. Others consider it an indication that today, women are not as likely to be raised in an environment that teaches their genitals are dirty or bad.

Most female orgasms come from stimulating the clitoris.
In a 2003 survey, the website for Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome conducted an online survey that found 86% of females achieved orgasm by stimulating the clitoris. But vaginal fun was not far behind; 74% responded they insert their fingers or objects into their pussies to achieve orgasm or to increase pleasure.

Four in 10 women think masturbation is better than sex.
In the same online surevey, 41% of women responded that they felt masturbation was more enjoyable than intercourse. As you'd imagine, only 18% of male respondents shared the same view. (So, gentlemen, now you know that withholding sex from your mate for whatever reason is unlikely to invoke the response you're wanting.)

Many women masturbate 3-4 times per week.
In more of the TMS online survey, research found the average female masturbates about 22 times per month. Nearly 60 percent reported they most often masturbated while lying on their back. About 20% most often masturbated while laying face down, and another 20% while sitting. About half used vibrators or other masturbatory aids.

If there are six billion people in the world...
...and half of those are female, and half of those are in an age group most likely to masturbate, that leaves some 1.5 billion masturbating gals out there! If the average woman masturbates twice a week (a conservative number), we're looking at around three billion orgasms each and every week! Dividing the number of seconds in a week by three billion leaves 4,313 female orgasms per second - and those are only orgasms achieved through masturbation. That's a lot of cummin'!

Married women are among the leading female masturbators.
In studies made during the late 1970s, and reported by Drs. Wanderer and Radell, 52% of teenage girls masturbate as opposed to a whopping 74% of married women. (And of those women, 16% did so frequently, several times per week.)

These statistics show having a regular sex partner does not necessarily affect the frequency of masturbation in women. If anything, it shows that women with regular access to a sex partner are at least as likely, if not more so, to use masturbation as an additional form of sexual release.

These statistics show that masturbation after marriage is common, and because it is so widespread, it can be considered normal human behavior. There is little to be alarmed about should you discover your wife is enjoying her time alone with herself.

Masturbation is not just for the young and liberated.
A survey conducted by Redbook magazine among their readers found that 68% of married women masturbated. This number is close to the findings of Wanderer and Radell (see above); it's meaningful because Redbook is aimed at "middle America," with a median readership age of 40 years old. These aren't just sex-starved college girls here! -they're sex-starved wives, moms, divorcees - you know, your basic MILF.

There is a slow but steady trend toward the acceptance of masturbation.
We already know that most moderates and liberals do not consider masturbation a sin. It turns out more and more conservative commentators, such as Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, are breaking from tradition and refusing to lump masturbation with Satanism, witchcraft, and the fall of the human race. Dobson has written (correctly) that there is no scientific evidence that masturbation is harmful to the body.

While he says that an addiction to masturbation - like all addictions - can have harmful effects, he warns against being overly concerned about the subject, and suggests that shame and guilt should not be a part of a natural human act.


Välbekant medlem
Jag tror att siffrorna är en aning i underkant;)

Men jag älskar tanken på att över 4000 tusen kvinnor i världen får orgasm genom att onanera! Vi pratar över 4000 tusen kvinnor per sekund:p:p:p

Kul statistik KaffeMdopp:love::love:


Välbekant medlem
Inte så konstigt om siffrorna är i underkant, Kinsey forskade om sexualitet på 1950 och 60-talet :)

Jo du kan ha rätt förstås. Men min poäng var snarare att jag tror att kvinnor onanerade lika mycket då - som nu. Men det var inte lika accepterat och då kanske det inte var lika lätt att erkänna det öppet:sleep:


Ny medlem
Varför i hela världen skulle det vara syndigt, elle farligt att onanera. Det är ju så dumt att det faller sin egen orimligthet.


Välbekant medlem
Varför i hela världen skulle det vara syndigt, elle farligt att onanera. Det är ju så dumt att det faller sin egen orimligthet.

Men snälla nån[:0] Vet du inte att man kan bli psykiskt sjuk om man onanerar[:0] Det växer ut horn i pannan och man får håriga handflator...


Varför i hela världen skulle det vara syndigt, elle farligt att onanera. Det är ju så dumt att det faller sin egen orimligthet.

Men snälla nån[:0] Vet du inte att man kan bli psykiskt sjuk om man onanerar[:0] Det växer ut horn i pannan och man får håriga handflator...

Jaha...får ni kvinnor också horn[}:)] det visste jag inte :oops:


Välbekant medlem
Varför i hela världen skulle det vara syndigt, elle farligt att onanera. Det är ju så dumt att det faller sin egen orimligthet.

Men snälla nån[:0] Vet du inte att man kan bli psykiskt sjuk om man onanerar[:0] Det växer ut horn i pannan och man får håriga handflator...

Jaha...får ni kvinnor också horn[}:)] det visste jag inte :oops:

Vadå - också[:0] :D Menar du att män får...[:0] Då förstår jag varför alla mina arbetskamrater har toppluva och lovikavantar! De har något att dölja[:0][}:)][}:)]


Varför i hela världen skulle det vara syndigt, elle farligt att onanera. Det är ju så dumt att det faller sin egen orimligthet.

Men snälla nån[:0] Vet du inte att man kan bli psykiskt sjuk om man onanerar[:0] Det växer ut horn i pannan och man får håriga handflator...

Jaha...får ni kvinnor också horn[}:)] det visste jag inte :oops:

Vadå - också[:0] :D Menar du att män får...[:0] Då förstår jag varför alla mina arbetskamrater har toppluva och lovikavantar! De har något att dölja[:0][}:)][}:)]

Själv kör jag med en gammal riddardräkt från medeltiden...så syndig är jag...
